We are fairly free with character creation at paradigm--effect! However, a reminder that if the characters are not up to standard and/or overpowered, they will not be accepted.
We implore joining members to be creative with their characters’ abilities, and even allow taking inspiration from various media outlets, however, blatantly stealing and rehashing an ability, be it from media and even from another member is unacceptable.
Character age requirement is 18+ for the sake of avoiding child labor, child soldiers, and child abuse. We hope you understand.
Absolutely no god-modding.
Don’t be too brief in your applications please. Say what’s important about your character(s), say what you think we’d really want to know! Our aim is character development, so we wouldn’t want to have a complete character with no room for development!
For the sake of avoiding offense, we will not be allowing some misconstrued mental illnesses. This includes schizophrenia, psychopathy, sociopathy, etc. If you have a question about this please direct it towards the admins, we’ll help with any confusion regarding this rule. General rule of thumb- if you don’t know much about it, don’t use it. Don’t use mental illness for your character just for the sake of making them “cool” or “quirky”, your application will either be turned away immediately or asked to be revised.
Angsty backstories are good, and they are allowed, but you don’t have to make a sad background to make a character interesting. We implore you to think outside of the box and get creative!
Dark topics are encouraged to be explored in backstories, but using triggering terms may cause offense, so be mindful please! If these topics are mentioned please make sure to put a warning beforehand!
The characters at paradigm--effect come from all walks of life, from the past and the future and the current day; but please no inaccurate portrayals for the sake of offense and no racist caricatures either. Every race and ethnicity is allowed here!
Power creation here at paradigm--effect is pretty freeform and lax! However, to keep things balanced and every character able to participate in the missions, we have a small questionnaire of sorts you can put your ideas through.
1. What, in it’s most basic form, is the ability of your character?
2. What Arcana does it best fit under and why?
Do note Arcanas are just the Agency’s way of sorting its members into sections for easier management, as such things can be somewhat fluid and not completely line up, but do try to keep within the set concepts.
3. What practical uses does your character’s ability provide?
Or in other words, why would the agency recruit them specifically? Do note that not every character is going to be on the front lines fighting! Reconnaissance, interacting, and getting information from people, providing support for other vassals in either healing or supplies/technology, etc. are all necessary roles in the agency that also need to be filled!
4. What are the downsides/negative effects that come with this ability?
What limitations do they have? Does overuse or even perhaps underuse result in something?
5. Mechanically, how do you think this would work within RP?
Whereas, a Chariot Arcana with advanced strength would most likely either have a large stat boost to strength or have advantage on strength-based rolls; if your ability concept isn’t necessarily as simple as that what would it involve ooc to work ic?