What’s properly known about Dakota is… very little. Even by the other Major Arcana. Being that she’s held her position much longer than the rest, her seniority in that regard is definitely known and respected. Though do not let that fact and her innocent appearance fool you, Dakota is wholly aware of the effect her eccentricities have on others and finds much amusement in the confused reactions she can illicit. Despite this, however, it’s deemed very unwise to dismiss her words and warnings, and even at times what might seem like a joke may just turn out to save your life.
Her overseeing is definitely a bit odd, commonly giving out vague instructions or suggesting lists of books to research that seem completely off-topic with the situation at hand. As well as her habit of seemingly disappearing off into her office for prolonged periods of time with large unmarked boxes. Though all in all, truly, she’s one of the better choices out of the Major Arcana roster you could pick.