No-nonsense and stoic, to Skadi, if there's a job the priority is to get it done- no if’s or but’s. If that means someone dies along the way, that's fine with her, they'll have a Warrior's death. Skadi has no qualms with death itself, she knows she’s earned her place in Valhalla.
She’s not close with newer vassals, but she expects respect and loyalty regardless. Nonetheless, she’ll fight for you if she deems you worthy of a longer life. If you can’t keep up with her, that’s your own problem. Insolence and cowardice among her vassals are intolerable; if you can’t carry a sword into battle with bravery, you’re practically useless. Though, she’s not unkind; she shows she cares in subtle ways. Unforgiving to her enemies, she’s a powerful adversary, and it would be wise not to anger her.